@article{oai:osu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000522, author = {前迫, ゆり and マエサコ, ユリ and MAESAKO, Yuri}, journal = {大阪産業大学人間環境論集}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 奈良県明日香村稲渕は,7世紀から飛鳥川の水を利用した営農が続いており,棚田と集落などから構成される景観は,「重要文化的景観」(文化庁)および「日本の棚田百選」(農林水産省)に指定されている。本研究は,棚田を構成する植生基盤として植物社会学的調査法による植生解析とフロラ調査によって,伝統的棚田景観を構成する畦畔植生の多様性を明らかにすることである。2009年4月から2012年11月の期間に稲渕地区の約7haでフロラ調査を行った結果,シダ植物11科17種,種子植物62科269種,計286種が確認された(在来種238種,外来種42種,園芸・植栽からの逸出種6種)。フロラの外来種比率は14.8%であった。秋期に畦畔の植生調査を行った結果,ススキ型,ネザサ型,キチジョウソウ型,ヤクシソウ型,カラムシ型,チガヤ型,ヒガンバナ型,センダングサ型,ミゾカクシ型,サクラタデ型に区分され,狭いエリアに多様な植生型が成立していた。多様な植生型は棚田の立地構造とそれに関連する踏圧頻度や土壌水分条件,農作業に関連して実施される草刈り,農作業放棄などの複合的要因を反映していると考えられた。, Agriculture has been practiced using Asuka River as the source for irrigation since the 7^th century at Inabuchi in Asuka village of Nara Prefecture. Therefore, this area is designated as a "Cultural Landscape" (Agency for Cultural Affairs), and "100 Selected Terraced Rice Fields of Japan" (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries) for its scenic agricultural landscape. This paper aims to clarify the diversity of vegetation and the flora on the terraced rice field embankments as factors in the formation of this particular cultural landscape and its beautiful agricultural terrain. Pteriopyta and Spermatopyta flora were researched between April 2009 and November 2012. It was found the species number of the Pteriophyta and the Spermatophyta of this area consists of 17 species and 269 species (native species of this terraced rice field embankment 238 spp., alien species 42 spp. and species of freeing into wilderness from gardening 6 spp.) in the 7 ha area of Inabuchi. A phytosociological study of vegetation was carried out in November 2012. The vegetation was characterized as follows: Miscanthus sinensis (Susuki) type, Pleioblastus argenteostriatus f. glaber (Nezasa) type Reineckea carnea (Kichijoso) type, Youngia denticulate (Yakushiso) type, Boehmeria nivea var. concolor f. nipononivea (Karamushi) type, Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii (Chigaya) type, Lycoris radiate (Higanbana) type, Bidens biternata (Sendangusa) type, Lobelia chinensis (Mizokakushi) type, Persicaria macrantha subsp. conspicua (Sakuratade) type. The diversified vegetation characteristically found on embankments surrounding traditional terraced rice fields. It was found that the biodiversity of embankment vegetation surrounding terraced rice fields in Inabuchi is related to complex factors such as geographical conditions grass-cutting, trampling and cultivation abandonment. This study suggests that the cultural landscape in this area is reflecting the dynamic and diversified vegetation maintained by agricultural activities.}, pages = {111--130}, title = {明日香村稲渕における伝統的棚田畦畔植生の多様性}, volume = {12}, year = {2013} }