@article{oai:osu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000286, author = {許, 楊 and XU, Yang}, issue = {1}, journal = {大阪産業大学経営論集}, month = {Oct}, note = {P(論文), In recent years, international transfer of used electronic products called E-waste to Asia, especially to China, has increased, going along with the globalization of economy. We already identify that they are frequently processed improperly abroad and as a result it produces a variety of pollutions. Therefore, we have to examine the establishment of recycling system over Asia. This article focuses on the personal computer and the mobile phone representing E-waste.}, pages = {99--117}, title = {使用済み電気電子機器に関する一考察 : パソコンと携帯電話を中心として}, volume = {13}, year = {2011} }