@article{oai:osu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002506, author = {正見, こずえ and 西田, 昂平 and 谷本, 英彰 and MASAMI, Kozue and NISHIDA, Kohei and TANIMOTO, Hideaki}, journal = {大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編, JOURNAL OF OSAKA SANGYO UNIVERSITY Humanities & Social Sciences}, month = {Nov}, note = {We surveyed the effectiveness of hybrid classes for learning. These online lectures combined with face-to-face instruction were introduced due to the spread of the novel coronavirus infection.  In the cases of simultaneous interactive online lectures, students accomplished easy exercise tasks and achievements appeared in the acquisition of these tasks.  But, ①Acquiring relatively difficult techniques, and ②Understanding the properties of mat movement, our data shows that the learning results of face-to-face lectures were significantly higher than simultaneous interactive online lectures.  It is conceivable that the learning of easy exercise tasks and acquisition of knowledge can be mastered through simultaneous interactive online lectures. However, it was suggested that learning outcomes were low in terms of mastering tasks and learning developmental content., 新型コロナウィルス感染症の感染拡大によって導入されたハイブリッド授業(対面式講義と同時双方向性オンライン式)の学習成果について調査を実施し検証をおこなった。  容易な運動課題であれば,同時双方向性オンライン式講義での課題習得に成果が現れた。しかしながら,「発展技の技術および技能習得」と「マット運動の特性についての理解」は,同時双方向性オンライン式講義に比べ対面式講義の学習成果が有意に高いことが示された。  容易な運動課題の習得と知識を得るという学習は,同時双方向性オンライン式講義で習得できる可能性が考えられる。しかし,課題を体得することや発展的な内容を学習する上では,学習成果が低いことが示唆された。}, pages = {59--67}, title = {器械運動におけるハイブリッド授業の学習成果の検証について}, volume = {46}, year = {2022}, yomi = {マサミ, コズエ and ニシダ, コウヘイ and タニモト, ヒデアキ} }