@article{oai:osu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002404, author = {劉, 楽楽 and LIU, Lele}, journal = {大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編, JOURNAL OF OSAKA SANGYO UNIVERSITY Humanities & Social Sciences}, month = {Nov}, note = {With the rapid spread of higher education in China, applied universities have become more important than ever. Methods of operation, composition of the faculty, and the nature of education are attracting more attention than ever before. With the rapid development of Japanese language education and active exchange between Japan and China, the number of Japanese language learners is steadily increasing, and universities are playing a leadership role in Japanese language education.  There are more students who study Japanese as a second language than those who specialize in Japanese. In order to understand the status of Japanese language education as a second language at applied universities, we conducted a questionnaire survey mainly among students majoring in computer science at applied universities in Jinan. In this paper, I would like to discover the shortcomings in the classroom in terms of school policy, teacher composition, students’ motivation to learn a second foreign language, learning objectives, curriculum, teaching mode and materials, and explore countermeasures.}, pages = {93--112}, title = {応用型大学における第二外国語としての日本語教育 ―山東省済南市にある某応用型大学の調査を通して―}, volume = {43}, year = {2021} }