@article{oai:osu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002271, author = {齋藤, 立滋 and 藤井, 陽一朗 and 大谷, 剛 and SAITO, Ryuji and FUJII, Yoichiro and OTANI, Go}, issue = {2・3}, journal = {大阪産業大学経済論集, OSAKA SANGYO UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS}, month = {Jul}, note = {“Breaking ice” between students is important during classroom group activities, such as discussions and economy experiments for achieving educational goals. We examine the use of self-introductions and game activities when conducting activities to encourage interpersonal communication. Subjects were randomly assigned to a control group and a treatment group. They then took part in some trial activities after self-introductions, which had a negative frame (control) and positive frame (treatment). We found the number of keywords used by the subjects to indicate themselves in the treatment group was larger than in the control group. This suggests the members of the treatment group may have been able to communicate more actively with each other. We show, however, the score for playing games, which requires cooperation was identical between groups.}, pages = {43--55}, title = {ゲームを用いたアイスブレイクの効果測定}, volume = {21}, year = {2020}, yomi = {サイトウ, リュウジ and フジイ, ヨウイチロウ and オオタニ, ゴウ} }