@article{oai:osu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002061, author = {日高, なぎさ and 嶋田, 愛 and 佐藤, 真治 and HIDAKA, Nagisa and SHIMADA, Ai and SATO, Shinji}, journal = {大阪産業大学 人間環境論集, OSAKA SANGYO UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF HUMAN ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES}, month = {Mar}, note = {The study carried out appropriate walking intervention to the elderly patients who were engaged with cardiac rehabilitation and a group of healthy elderly people. The study empirically investigated the psychological effects before and after the intervention, and examined whether walking intervention would be effective to the elderly patients who were engaged with cardiac rehabilitation as well as the healthy elderly people. The examination of the results of the simplified POMS2 before and after the intervention has shown that while no main inter-group effect was observed, in terms of main effects before and after the intervention, both groups’ scores significantly decreased after the intervention regarding‘ anger-hostility‘,’ fatigue-apathy‘,’ tension-anxiety’ and‘ TMD score’.  This has suggested that walking has psychological effects to decrease negative emotions as described above and to increase positive emotions such as vigor and vitality on not only healthy elderly people but also the elderly patients engaged with cardiac rehabilitation.}, pages = {49--57}, title = {適切な歩行介入がもたらす心理的効果についての研究 ~心疾患患者と健常者の比較から~}, volume = {17}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ヒダカ, ナギサ and シマダ, アイ and サトウ, シンジ} }