@article{oai:osu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000050, author = {今中, 舞衣子 and IMANAKA,Maiko}, journal = {大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編, JOURNAL OF OSAKA SANGYO UNIVERSITY Humanities & Social Sciences}, month = {Nov}, note = {This study focuses on language learning activities in museums and analyzes French pedagogical materials in the Carnavalet Museum, namely, (i) resources used to facilitate learning, (ii) the linguistic features of instruction to learners, and (iii) the socio-cultural knowledge embedded in learning activities. Results show, (i) maps, photographs, pictograms and illustrations are used to facilitate visual comprehension;(ii) the use of choice-type questions that can be answered by novice learners and second-person questions that encourage the learners’ self-expression; and(iii) knowledge of Paris’ geography, transport system, exhibits and social rules of the museum are found embedded in the process of engaging in French language learning activities.}, pages = {23--36}, title = {ミュージアムでフランス語を学ぶことを目的とした教材の分析:カルナヴァレ博物館を事例として}, volume = {49}, year = {2023}, yomi = {イマナカ,マイコ} }