@article{oai:osu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001898, author = {谷本, 英彰 and TANIMOTO, Hideaki}, journal = {大阪産業大学 人間環境論集, OSAKA SANGYO UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF HUMAN ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究の目的は,教員養成課程の体育実技授業で協同的な学び合い場面を創出することにより,チームワーク能力を向上させることができるかどうかを検証することであった.本研究では,介入群と統制群を設定し,授業効果を検証した.介入群は34名(男性10名,女性24名),統制群は29名(男性12名,女性17名)であった.介入群については,協同学習として戦術学習を用いた授業を実践し,統制群については技術指導を中心とした授業を実施した.  授業を実践した結果,協同学習を実施した群は,コミュニケーション能力の中の解読,バックアップ能力の中の手段支援,リーダーシップ能力の中の公平対応および問題対処が統制群と比較して有意に向上していることが明らかとなった., The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of cooperative learning on teamwork competency in physical education class as of a teacher-training course. The subjects of the research were 63 university students taking physical education in a primary education class. The subjects were divided into an experimented group and a control group. Tactics learning as cooperative learning was used for the experimented group, and technical guidance was the focus of the class for the control group.  As a result, some aspects of teamwork competency(deciphering in the area of communication skills, instrumental support in the area of backup skills, and fair treatment and problem solving in the area of leadership ability)improved in the experimental group.  Finally, limits and future strategies to enhance the utility of this program are discussed.}, pages = {189--197}, title = {教職志望学生のチームワーク能力向上を意図した 体育実技授業}, volume = {16}, year = {2017}, yomi = {タニモト, ヒデアキ} }