@article{oai:osu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001733, author = {入江, 満 and 中村, 秀正 and 大槻, 伸吾 and 花之内, 健仁 and 杉山, 幸三 and 本田, 雄一郎 and 陳, 隆明 and IRIE, Mitsuru and NAKAMURA, Hidemasa and OTSUKI, Shingo and HANANOUCHI, Kenji and SUGIYAMA, Kouzo and HONDA, Yuichiro and CHIN, Takaaki}, journal = {大阪産業大学論集. 自然科学編, Journal of Osaka Sangyo University. Natural sciences}, month = {Feb}, note = {We discuss the development method of a simple myoelectric prosthetic hand by using the two type digital fabrication machines, which are a three dimensional printer and a laser cutting machine. The performance of both machines to developing the prosthetic hand is compared in terms of the difficulty of manufacturing and assembly, experimentally. Results demonstrated these digital fabrication capabilities of the prosthetic hand., We discuss the development method of a simple myoelectric prosthetic hand by using the two type digital fabrication machines, which are a three dimensional printer and a laser cutting machine. The performance of both machines to developing the prosthetic hand is compared in terms of the difficulty of manufacturing and assembly, experimentally. Results demonstrated these digital fabrication capabilities of the prosthetic hand.}, pages = {1--10}, title = {ロボット技術を用いた医工連携における適応型福祉機器の開発 : デジタルファブリケーションを用いたスケルトン型電動義手の開発}, volume = {126}, year = {2016}, yomi = {イリエ, ミツル and ナカムラ, ヒデマサ and オオツキ, シンゴ and ハナノウチ, ケンジ and スギヤマ, コウゾウ and ホンダ, ユウイチロウ and チン, タカアキ} }